Shi Xiaotao


Name:Shi Xiaotao

Title: AssociateProfessor

Research Areas:

1.Ceramic Design

2.Research on Product Design and Process Industrialization

3.Body Styling and CMF Design of Transport Vehicles(Automobiles)

Contact Number: +8618907987186



Personal Biography:

Shi Xiaotao holds a Ph.D. in Engineering from South ChinaUniversity of Technology and is currently an Associate Professor in theIndustrial Design Department at the College of Art and Design, ShanghaiUniversity of Engineering Science. He is also a Master's Supervisor in DesignStudies and a Research Fellow at the Shanghai Institute of Design andInnovation. Additionally, he serves as the director of both the colleges design workshop and the JingdezhenCeramic Studio. Shi Xiaotao taught at the School of Fine Arts, JingdezhenCeramic University, for over 20 years, where he focused on research andapplication in ceramic craft and design. With expertise in the intersection ofdesign studies and product manufacturing, he is dedicated to innovation inceramic design and process improvement. He has extensive research and teachingexperience in ceramic product design and craftsmanship and has receivednumerous awards. He has led and participated in various national andprovincial-level research projects and published more than 30 academic papers,promoting the modernization and diversification of ceramic design.


